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The phenomenon of ideas and behaviors spreading through social networks is not a new one. Yet, in our interconnected age, the speed and scale at which these concepts disseminate are unprecedented. Among the myriad ideas that propagate, some can be classified as 'subversive social contagions'. These are ideologies that, when spread, can potentially destabilize societal norms and values, particularly impacting the most impressionable: the youth. This article seeks to shed light on the mechanisms of such contagions, with a particular focus on doctrines like gender extremism, and their potential to instigate crises.

Mechanisms of Spread  
Peer Influence: One of the most potent vehicles for the spread of ideas among youth is peer influence. Young individuals often look to their peers for validation, and when a certain belief or behavior becomes popular in a group, it can spread rapidly.

Digital Platforms: With the rise of social media, ideas, regardless of their validity, can disseminate at an astounding rate. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok provide echo chambers, reinforcing existing beliefs and introducing new ones to vast audiences.

Educational Institutions: Schools and colleges often become grounds for debate and the introduction of new ideas. While this can be positive, it can also be a breeding ground for extremist views if not balanced with diverse perspectives.

The Design of Doctrines  
Some ideologies are constructed in a way that they inherently challenge prevailing societal norms. Gender extremism, for instance, can be seen as a doctrine that goes beyond advocating for gender rights to promoting views that can be divisive and extreme.

Attraction to the Counter-cultural: Adolescents, in their quest for identity, can sometimes be attracted to counter-cultural movements or ideologies, seeing them as a form of rebellion against established norms.

Emotional Manipulation: Extremist doctrines often use emotionally charged narratives to draw individuals in. These narratives can make the youth feel that they are part of a larger, significant movement or cause.

Perceived Crisis: Ideologies like gender extremism may frame societal norms as inherently oppressive, creating a sense of urgency and crisis. This perception can motivate the youth to adopt and propagate these views passionately.

The rapid spread of subversive social contagions can have several implications:

Societal Division: Extreme ideologies can deepen divides in society, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings between different groups.

Identity Crisis: For the youth caught in the crossfire of conflicting ideologies, it can lead to confusion about one's identity and values.

Policy Challenges: When extremist views gain traction, they can influence policy decisions, leading to laws and regulations that might not represent the broader population.  

Understand the mechanisms through which ideology spreads among the most vulnerable sectors of the population, the youth, and how ideological exposure to doctrines such as gender extremism is designed to cause a crisis

AIDESS Safety Systems


AIDESS  EPOCA, Anti Ideological Safety Services is a security organization focused in supporting, guiding, and providing technical solutions to the community, and organizations, to counter act the exposure of new generations to large scale schemes of indoctrination on Self Harm, Gender and Subversive ideologies. AIDESS provides technological and professional solutions to protect, deter and track sources and actors that threaten the security and sustainability of a society. 



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