CRESTT provides institutions, private organizations, customers and stakeholders with advanced tools on 3 categories:

AI Self-Hosted Technology: CRESTT leverages advanced AI technology through self-hosted solutions, utilizing both open-source models and private API models. This approach allows for flexible, customizable AI-driven analytics and decision-making processes, ensuring data privacy and control while enabling sophisticated predictive modeling and automated asset management strategies.

In-House Self-Hosted Streaming Technology: Our in-house streaming technology is fully proprietary, developed and maintained through our platform, Poliversia. This technology ensures complete ownership and control over data streaming and real-time analytics, providing secure and efficient data processing capabilities tailored to our clients' asset management needs.

Blockchain Decentralized Ledger Technology Operation: CRESTT employs open-source blockchain technology to power our decentralized ledger operations. This ensures transparency, security, and immutability in all asset transactions and records. By integrating blockchain into our asset management solutions, we offer enhanced traceability and reduced risk of fraud, providing robust support for global capital allocation and digital asset management.


Key Features of Our Technology

  1. Data Privacy: Ensuring the utmost privacy standards, our tools are designed to analyze content while preserving user anonymity.
  2. Real-time Analysis: Offering real-time insights, our systems allow for swift responses and interventions if required.
  3. Customizable Parameters: Adaptable to specific research needs or objectives, our tools can be tailored to focus on particular ideologies or content types.



1. Digital Behavior Analysis

  • Monitor digital activities and behaviors of stakeholders.
  • Use AI to detect anomalies or patterns consistent with indoctrination processes.

2. Social Media Scrutiny

  • Scrutinize public social media posts, likes, shares, and follows.
  • Flag content or connections that may be sources of indoctrination.


3. Online Forum and Group Surveillance

  • Use algorithms to monitor online forums or groups known for propagating extremist ideologies.
  • Get alerts on stakeholder participation or interaction in such spaces.

4. Government Content Filtering

  • Provide tools to institutions to filter out potentially harmful content from educational platforms.


Benefits of Our Services

  • Early Detection: Identify threats before they escalate.
  • Data Privacy: Respect stakeholders' privacy while ensuring safety.
  • Comprehensive Oversight: From social media to online learning platforms.
  • Expert Support: Access to counseling and intervention experts.


6: Technological Infrastructure

  • Cloud-Based: Ensure scalability and accessibility from anywhere.
  • End-to-End Encryption: Security is paramount.
  • User-Friendly Dashboards: Easily understandable insights and reports.
  • AI-Driven Analysis: Use of the latest AI technologies for accurate results.


7: Collaboration Opportunities

  • Working with educational institutions for system integrations.
  • Partnering with tech companies for continuous technology updates.
  • Collaborations with counseling centers for comprehensive support.



  • Reiterate the importance of proactive monitoring in today's digital age.
  • Emphasize CRESTT' dedication to creating a safer environment for stakeholders.
  • Encourage institutions to take a step toward ensuring mental safety and security.
  • Contact details for partnership inquiries.

AIDESS Safety Systems


CRESTT, Center for Research on Economic Strategic Trends and Technologies is a technological consulting organization that aims to provide private entities, customers, or governments comprehensive solutions for optimizing and securing organizational asset management operations, both locally and globally. CRESTT provided complete coordination on blockchain integration, in-house technological components, comprehensive scenario risk management, ongoing training, support, and rigorous planning of multidimensional security protocols.



+971 56 1554665

®™AIDES - Anti Ideological Indoctrination Safety Services.
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